Time flies by so fast! This becomes more apparent as we get older, but it has really become much more apparent now that Rylie is here. Her first month of life has flown by and she seems to grow a little bit every day. I've had such an awesome time being home with her and getting to know her patterns and personality. She is such a happy baby. Brian and I are so blessed to have such an easy going girl. I hope we are lucky enough to get to enjoy this for a long time. We've done a lot this past month, I try to take her on outings at least once a day to get her out and about and acclimated to the world around her. My mom (gramma) and I enjoy taking her window shopping and to lunch. It's fun to take her out in her stroller. We've also taken her to Springdale AR several times already to see Nana and Pops. I cant wait until the weather cools off some so we can spend more time with her outside introducing her to the great outdoors. I cant wait to have picnics in the park with her. I can only imagine how my heart will melt when we see her little face light up at the first time she gets to put her little feet in the cool grass below them. Or this winter when it snows, she'll be about 6 months old, just the perfect age to start experiencing the wonders of Christmas. I can't wait for us to be able to teach her all about the meaning of the holidays. And watch her beautiful little eyes blink when she stands in the falling snow for the first time. .... happy sigh....
Brian and I have already been out on 2 dates since Rylie was born. My sister is always more than willing to babysit. It was nice to get out of the house without a baby (plus gear) in tow, but we sure did miss her when we were away from her. We are falling in love with being parents!
In July we also got to spend some quality time with our West Virginia best'ies, Jeremy and Amy. I hate saying that because they aren't true WV'ians. They are just living there now... and will more appropriately be our Texas/Oklahoma best'ies once again in the future.) ;) J and A came to Tulsa to visit for a few days and to meet Rylie. Their son, Noah, is growing up so fast. It was really neat to watch him and imagine what Rylie will be like when she is his age. He just turned a year old in April, and is becoming such an awesome little man.
Here are some of our great memories from this last month... having our baby girl home.
Gramma already reading to her. So sweet! |
Taking a nap on mommy. |
Ahhhh, sunbathing takes it out of ya! |
Cuddling with Nana. |
Rylie's first 4th of July. |
Bath time. |
Pops talkin' baseball to his girl! |
Snuggling with Uncle Garry. |
Smiling while snuggling with Uncle Garry. Too cute!! |
Enjoying the backyard with aunt Tay Tay. |
Jeremy and Brian with their very own kids. ;) |
Amy and Jeremy getting some bonding time with Rylie. |
They even found time to tile our back splash that has needed it for years! THIS was awesome. I love it, love it, every time I walk into my kitchen! Jeremy, we thank you, you rock! |
Enjoying dinner at Ted's Mexican. |
Noah having fun in the backyard. |
Rylie was not diggin' the cold water on her feet. |
My favorite time of the evening, every evening. Cuddling with her after we've finished her bath, bottle, bed routine. She's quite the cuddler before bedtime. It's so relaxing to lazily rock in the rocker while snuggling with my baby girl. She's amazing! And she's also a great sleeper. She's sleeping anywhere between 6 and 9 hours straight at night. It's so great right now. I hope her sleep habits stay like this. It's awesome for daddy and I. |
Fun with baseball jerseys! |
Here we are trying on the Baby Borjn carrier that was loaned to me. Thank you! This has been so great to have. I can get things done around the house during the day and it has also been fun carrying her around in stores. She loves it and usually will fall right to sleep while I've got her in it. I really feel like I'm sporting some mom coolness with this thing on. |