And what a WONDERFUL first mothers day it was!!! I am so blessed to have such an amazing daughter! I thank God for her everyday and I hope someday she knows how deep my love for her is. She warms my heart with every little thing she does and every little thing she discovers. She is truly an amazing gift from God. I am so proud to be her mommy.
Nana and Pops came to Tulsa for the weekend and we had lots of fun. It was an activity filled weekend and the weather was beautiful. On Saturday we went to the Zoo with some family friends, the Pikers. They live in Arkansas close to Ken and Janet. Their kids and grandkids are about the same age as Brian, Rylie and I, which made it that much more fun for all of us to be together. I have a feeling we will be doing more family outings with the Pikers as time goes by.
At the Zoo...
I absolutely LOVE this photo below. Pops and Rylie were looking at the monkeys behind the glass and she was listening so intently at what Pop's was saying to her. It warmed my heart to watch them. I know that as Rylie gets older she and Pop's will share many many more moments like these.
Green bean anyone? Really, I'll share!
Amberly and her son Maddox. Maddox is just a bit older than Rylie and walking. He's such a cutie!! Rylie kept wanting to touch his hair and he didnt much want to have anything to do with her. Rylie is chasing boys Maddox, run!

After a short break of going our seperate ways to freshen up, we all met back up at Los Cabos for dinner. Before I had a child of my own, I used to dread the thought of being out at a restaurant with a growing, curious, screaming, food-slinging infant. That all changed once Rylie came into my life as I cant really imagine doing anything without her, much less enjoying a meal at my favorite restaurant without her. I LOVE taking Rylie along with us whatever it is we are doing and I enjoy teaching her and guiding her in her experiences. SO, to all the parents out there, I do not feel sorry and embarrassed for you anymore, as you keep bending over to pick up the spoon your child in enjoying waving around and tossing back onto the floor. I do not roll my eyes as I watch and listen to your little one scream in excitement over seeing something new...or scream in frustration from being bored or overstimulated. I applaud you, I raise my head high to you, and I bend over with you, 50 times, to gladly pick up that entertaining spoon Rylie has just again dropped on the floor.

We ordered Rylie her own bean and cheese kids burrito with rice. She loved it! Which i'm not surprised, as I pretty much lived on mexican food during my pregnancy!
The proud grandparents and the little ones. A great picture to wrap up a great day!
My sister had made reservations a while back for the annual Mothers Day Brunch at Philbrook Museum of Art. After church we headed that way and had time to take pictures in the back garden before our table was ready at the restaurant. This museum is the former home of an old Tulsa Oil tycoon. The property is amazing, inside and out. And the back garden is breathtaking in the spring!
Happy Mothers Day Moms!
Me, my mom, and Rylie. Three generations, each exactly 39 years apart in age!
My sister is 4 months pregnant and will be a mom soon herself. She has quite the growing belly and it is too cute!