I love having adult dinners with kids. There are many enjoyable venues in town that I like to frequent, irregularly :) , on a new "mommy-level" kind of frequency. Rylie does great as long as we can have her in the right places at the right times. We have her patterns down pretty good now, so she does well in restaurants. Beautiful little stinker, she is. LOVE her!!!! Oh...and she finally has a top tooth coming through. 16 months old and only two bottom teeth. geez.
Okay, so i've totally slacked off of blogging lately. For the last 5 months, to be exact. WOW! that was a long lazy bloggers block. However, I've been re-inspired. :) And I'll probably be posting backwards for while too so I can get some past stuff posted.
Back to my original post topic... Dinner Out... The other night at dinner with the DeBoers in the pics below.... Great food, awesome company, tasty margaritas and my sweet, sweet baby girl....... Made for a good little photo shoot too......... (Notice the dark locks I'm sporting?... let's remember this moment fondly, it probably wont last long....i'm ready to go back to blonde.)
Halloween 2014
9 years ago