Monday, December 21, 2009

Week 12... Imma Be, Imma Be, Imma Imma Imma Be... A Blogging Slacker!

Yes, I'm a blogging slacker!  Weeks 10 and 11 of this pregnancy have been filled with nausea, fatigue, and an overwhelming sense of smell that has caused me to want to burry my head in my pillow every chance I get. I have become part canine and it's gross. Every smell is gross. EVERY smell is gross. Ive not ever really noticed how smelly life is. It's no wonder our ozone layer is thinning. (It is still thinning, right?)  Anyway...I cannot go anywhere without wanting to puke at every smell.  Oh, the price we pay for creating offspring.  I can't complain, however, as I would have given anything for these issues a year ago when I was struggling with infertility.  My cup, absolutely, runs over.. and for that I am so grateful!

The last time we went to see our fertility doctor, he said we were done with him and now we need to pick a regular OBGYN to start going to.  WHAT??  Really?  Change...gotta love it. So the search is on to find an OBGYN who delivers at St. Johns (which is where I was born), and who will do a selective c-section if I so choose.  Yes, I said it, I want the option of having a c-section if I want to.  Period!  We'll see what I can find.

These are the 10 and a half week ultrasound pics that we got during our last visit.  He's looking more and more like a human every week. He, or she, is beautiful!  It was so exciting when the doc was doing the ultrasound. Baby Nutt was sleeping at first, and although it's little heartbeat was beating strong, he wasn't doing much. Then the doctor started poking around (on purpose) and woke him up. He stretched his little arms and started dancing around. It was the most precious thing I've ever seen in my life. I just burst into tears right then and there and became so attached to that little miracle. I just couldn't believe we were watching our baby dance. It was amazing!  So tiny, so full of life, so amazing!

WEEK 12  "Even though your little Einstein’s body is still growing quite rapidly 2 inches long right now, the overall super-speedy growth of their amazing brain continues to leave the head proportionately larger than the body— and is actually slightly more than one third of their total body mass! The head and neck are still straightening at this point as can be seen by their little chin lifting off of the chest. Your baby is also actively rehearsing “breathing” by using amniotic fluid to prepare the lungs for future air respiration."

WEEK 11  "Maybe you’ve noticed… your baby is a super-duper grower! Your lil' fetus will be gaining a substantial amount of weight this week and has already achieved fruit-size-status comparable to a plum. What's more, your little scientist is already starting to explore their body, focusing most intently on touching their head, and especially their face and mouth. Their mouth in particular will provide them with hours of entertainment. This happens not only because your baby is gaining coordination, and is therefore able to move a hand on command, but also because their palms have gained sensation and can actually “feel” what it touches.They're also developing their swallow reflex this week. And lastly, your baby's smelling and other olfactory senses will begin developing this week, which when combined with the maturing taste buds, will provide your baby with their first experiences of taste and smell."

WEEK 10  "Your astonishingly tiny baby has been hard at work growing as fast as possible—almost doubling in size in the past three weeks! Amazingly, you’re in for a repeat size doubling performance within the next three weeks! Your tiny champion still weighs less than a quarter of an ounce but has already completed the most critical stage of their development. Using Doppler technology, your doctor or gynecologist can let you hear their tiny rapid fetal heartbeats this week (145-165 beats per minute!). Chances for miscarriage are greatly reduced when the heartbeat can be detected, so take a sigh of relief if you’ve been needing one—it hasn’t been an easy ten weeks! What’s more, they’re getting ready to make their first baby poop! Your little one’s major organ systems are developing, including a functioning digestive tract capable of moving food all the way through their bowels. The final shiny gold star on their fetal behavior chart for the week: your little scrapper has already developed defense mechanisms to protect them on reflex!"

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