Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Week 9...Another Strong Heartbeat

The doctor visit and ultrasound was great. It's little heartbeat was 170 beats per minute, which has Brian thinking now that it might be a girl. Healthy and happy is our only prayer, but it's fun to speculate what the little angel will be.  Truth be told, I'd prefer a boy.  If only for the fact that i, myself being a girl, was a pain in the butt during my teen years. I cant imagine how bad the paybacks would be.  But again, as long as he/she is healthy, I'll be happy.

I think I've found my best armor to battle morning (all day) sickness. Sea-Bands. They really seem to be taking the edge off of my misery.  Who would have thought a nice little acupressure wrist band device would trump drugs?  Although I'm sporting a really nerdy "tennis anyone?" fashion statement, these wrist bands are great.  I've been wearing them ALL the time, I only take them off to shower, then as soon as I dry my arms those suckers are back on.  So far so very good!

Although I'm not officially showing, i'm bloated as can be and my clothes are fitting snuggier. I'm down to only being able to fit into one pair of my dress slacks for work and today, jeans day, will be the last time i'm able to wear my low-rise, cute butt, jeans. Sigh. Maternity clothes shopping is on the horizon. The thought of wearing maternity clothes when i'm noticeably "with child" doesn't bother me. It's actually a very cute thing. However, the thought of buying maternity clothes as a way to ease my discomfort due to all the bloating, swelling, gas, heartburn and nausea, i'm not all that hip about. There's nothing "cute" about any of that.

Grow, little guy, grow!

WEEK 9:  "Congratulations! Your amazing growing baby has been accepted into to the fetus-club, a very exclusive and exiting new stage in their prenatal development. Basically, this means the little sweet pea has graduated from swimming embryo creature to a recognizable human being! This week in particular, the irises of their little eyes can function, but (frustratingly for them?) their eyelids remain fused shut for a while yet. Their external ears are formed and their inner ears are now filled with fluid—so your little one is already developing their sense of balance. Your baby's little swimmer legs are still relatively, although other bodily developments are going forward at a nice pace: their kidney is actually functioning now, which means they’ve started urinating (this might seem charming now but wait till you have to start buying diapers!)."

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