Tuesday, July 7, 2009

R.I.P Scrappie Nutt - Dec 2007 to May 2009

Sad news in the Nutt family. Scrappie Nutt, our little special needs boxer that we rescued in early 2008 from a puppy mill/boxer rescue, has passed away. Little Scrappie had a massive stroke in mid May. It was too severe for him to have any type of recovery that would allow him a normal life.  The decision was made to put him down.  We are sad for the loss of the little guy, but we are also happy for the memories that he gave us during a very memorable year with him.  He was put on this earth for a short time and during that time he taught us how to love with a little more patience.  We will miss you Scrappie. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can't believe that. I'm glad he had his time with you guys cause I know you brought a lot of joy to the poor guy.

    I am enjoying reading your blog, despite the interruption of Noah pooping loudly from his baby swing. Sigh. Get ready guys!
