Friday, September 25, 2009

A Change In Seasons

I wasn't disappointed when a wheel came off the lawn mower tonight. Although it left the back yard with an odd design of mowed grass, we finished the front so at least the appearance of our front yard from the curb looks nice and manicured. The lawn mower breaking was a sure sign that we should have been spending our Friday night doing something different. B finished the edging and we put our things away for the night. Besides, it was getting dark and the bugs were plentiful. We got a late start since I got home a bit late from work after returning some borrowed baby items that we had from our friends Jeremy and Amy coming into town last weekend. It was their first time flying with their 5 month old, Noah. It is amazing how much packing is required when traveling with a baby. Yet, after spending the weekend with them, I'm even more convinced that it's time for Brian and I to become parents. It was a fun weekend, getting to see our friends and get to know baby Noah a little better. Below is little Noah with mommy Amy, then charming Brian and I to pieces!
B wanted to try and fix the mower or borrow a neighbors mower to finish the task, but I talked him out of it. Too dark and too buggy!

Funny observation though when I was mowing. Keeping in mind that I like to mow listening to my ipod, it just makes the job a bit more soothing. I love music of all kinds and being able to listen to it, uninterrupted, while it's being funneled clearly into my ears, just brings me a little bit closer to my emotionally artistic side. So, my summer play list that I've been happily listening to all summer....just seemed dead. I couldn't find anything I was interested in listening to. I've accumulated a good 100 or so summer songs that tugged on my music soul this summer, and all of a sudden, poof, I'm not interested in them anymore. Each time I'd find a song in the list I thought I would enjoy listening to, I'd start it and then I just wasn't feeling it. There wasn't one single song that I enjoyed connecting with. I took my ear buds out and just listened to the mower, until the wheel broke off, that is!

I guess our life has seasons, just like mother nature. The soundtrack of life's seasons changes just as quickly as the leaves on the trees. The grass in my lawn is thick, green, and weed free this season. In the winter season, it is not. The songs on my play list take me back to other memories of the summer where I heard them a lot before. Nothing was connecting tonight. I need to wipe out that play list, create a new one with other songs, and make some more memories. Don't get me wrong, those older ones aren't bad memories, and I'll think back to them often when things remind me of them. But I don't need to be carrying them around on my ipod. I've downloaded some great artists this month, so onward to the new season!

My fall soundtrack will entail some Jack Johnson. I downloaded him and he's been sitting on the back burner. Daughtry's new cd, Leave This Town, is rockin! I love it! He's definitely in my fall soundtrack. And Harry Connick Jr. and Eminem both have new cd's out, so I'll try them out too. I love all kinds of music. It all touches my emotions in some form or fashion. There is pleasure to be found in discovering new things.

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