Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's A Lifestyle Change

My lifestyle is a form of habits. Literally. Hubby says I'm A.D.D. and he has even been known to utter that term softly and sweetly when trying to get my attention from across the room. I go about my habits, making stops along the way. Maybe that is just my way of stopping to smell the flowers, so to speak, as I live my life of habits. Who knows how my path might be altered by the influence at one of those stops. Might be better, might be worse, but the experience in getting there is quite enjoyable. Our world is so much more visually stimulating than it used to be. Is a deficit in our attention span really a disorder? Or is it just more of a lack of self discipline and focus generated by an abundance of external stimuli?

Fortunately, I'm not on medication for A.D.D., or O.C.D. which is probably a more appropriate diagnosis for my "quirky habits", or "easily distracted" way of being.

I am, however, making efforts at a lifestyle change. A change in habits. I'm making a bigger effort at recognizing where my habits are waning in self discipline. Eating habits, exercise habits, work habits, wife habits, church habits, even household chore habits. When something starts to seem boring and unenjoyable, instead of looking for other things to do, I'm going to look for ways I can do those same things better. It's a lifestyle change.

I didn't get it in my 20's, how much more I'd enjoy life in my 30's. And I'm sure the same is true with each passing decade. The older I get the more I realize that life can be as complicated or as simple as I want it to be. In my case, I've come to realize that clutter, in all forms, brings me down. The more clutter I seem to notice and remove from my surroundings before it makes me feel closed in and crowded, the better I feel. It's much easier to eliminate clutter in your 30's than 20's. In my 20's I felt more inclined to collect clutter. Not just "stuff" type of clutter, but also relationship clutter, the clutter that emotional confusion creates, head clutter, the thoughts of the unknown. But in my 30's...and more specifically, late 30's, it's been easier to rid myself of clutter. All kinds of clutter. Life is good. It's a lifestyle change. Maybe it's the confidence and security that age brings that helps in letting go.

I'm running lasering. Slowly but surely, the physical pain of that procedure is fading away. And I look great. I love my new shape and I want to keep it. I've removed the cluttered feelings that come with "working out". Running is now part of my weekly routine, a part of my life. A lifestyle change.

Below is a picture of B and I at the Kansas City Royals ballpark this summer. I love this picture and even though it doesn't relate to this blog, I'm including it anyway.

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