I love my in-laws! Not everyone in the world can say that, but I definitely can. I don't even think about them like "in-laws", they are family...our family. And they've totally adopted my sister and my mother into the family, which is great since mom and sis are about the only family I have left in contact existence. We had a family shower this weekend, thrown by cousins Jennifer and Sarah, which was a lot of fun! We had it at Uncle Garry's house in Fort Smith, AR. We played games, cooked out burgers, and played with kiddos. What more can an expectant mother ask for? The weather was great and the family getting together was even better. Although my sister made it, my mom sat this one out, as she has been very busy "showering" with us the last couple of weekends. Her foot is still trying to heal (a year later) and too much activity makes it painful on her. Grandma and Grandpa Cathcart were very much missed too, but we're keeping Grandpa in our prayers that he will make a speedy recovery and have his strength back to get some good play time with with Rylie once she is born. We love you Grandma and Grandpa!

Awesome Diaper Cake...Thank you Brenda!
What a cool cake. I just cant get enough of those pink circles!
Cousin Jennifer....You rock girl! Thank you for an awesome shower!!
Ray, Trey, and Uncle Garry. Thank you Ray for taking pictures. You've got skills!
Mikayla, you are growing up so fast, you are a beautiful little lady!
Pops and Nana....
Cousin Sarah...you rock too sweetie!...Thank you for an awesome shower and yummy cake! (it's all about the sweets right now) Trey, you are gorgeous!
It also happened to be Sarah's birthday this week, so we snuck in a surprise birthday celebration for Sarah too.
After the shower, the boys all went to the baseball game in Springdale, which topped off their day...a baby shower in the morning and a baseball game at night, what every man looks forward to on a Saturday!!