Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week 37...Dilated to a 2!

I had my weekly appointment this afternoon and was excited to find out that I have started to dilate. I am already at a 2.  I know this is low on the scale, but at least my cervix is getting ready to deliver.  I couldn't be happier.  What I'm not as happy about is the fact that my doctor is a bit worried about my swelling and blood pressure that keeps creeping higher with every appointment.  Additionally, she said there was a slight bit of protein in my urine this time.  Uh-oh.  Not good signs.  She said I'm not to the point where she is "worried", but she doesn't want to get to that point either.  I asked her if she thought I was going to go all the way to my due date. She said no. Music to my ears!!  She said that even if my body was wanting to go all the way to July 4th, she wasn't going to let me go that long.  Yippee!

She wanted to put me on bed rest for the next 4 days. I ended up talking her out of tomorrow and Friday, as I still have much to show my assistant before I go out on maternity leave. So since I pretty much sit behind a desk all day, she said i could go to work if I try to keep my feet up and my butt down.  I agreed.  She insisted that I definitely stay as horizontal and relaxed as possible on Saturday and Sunday. Then she wants to see me on Tuesday to do an ultrasound and check Rylie's size and see how much fluid she's swimming around in.  She said she will most likely make her decision on Tuesday as to when she wants me to have this child.  So this means that I could pretty much have her at anytime.  Between me starting to dilate (which I know could creep along slowly for a while) and go into labor naturally, and the fact that my doctor wants me to deliver early, I literally could have this child next week.  It could be any time. Any time!

My bag is packed. Rylie's bag is packed.  We are ready to go when it's time.  And I will leave you with that, as the smile on my face right now couldn't get any larger!  We'll see you soon, baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!!!!! Keep us posted... Love to you, Brian and Riley!!!!
