Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mommy's Back To Work...

I'm back to work. Full time.  

It was harder than I thought it was going to be. But I stayed focused and my first week back last week went by pleasingly fast!  It's funny. At 5:00 pm each day I get so excited that I get to come home to my baby girl and spend the next 3 hours hanging on her every smile!  I make the most of every minute.  It's quite a difference from the "joined at the hip" love affair I've had with my child the last 11 weeks. Now I only get three meaningful hours with her each week day evening.  So yay for weekends!

Those 11 weeks I was off work were great!  There were a few days that my mom would watch her for brief periods while I would run to the gym for an hour.  And I had to go to the office a couple of mornings.  So there was some separation.  But I pretty much spent every waking hour (and many napping hours) of my days with this beautiful little person for the last 11 weeks.  Taking her places, grocery shopping, teaching her things, parks and the museum, getting to know her, letting her nap on my chest. What an awesome gift that was.  Thank you so much Nana and Pops and Grammie for your love and support with our little angel.  Your support and love during these last 11 weeks made it much less of a struggle on us while I wasn't working. And I was able to bond that much more with Rylie. There is no doubt in her mind who her mama is, that's for sure, and I'm feeling darn good myself about thinking I know what makes that baby girl tick.  Family is so special and we couldn't be more grateful.

Grammie spent a lot of time with Rylie and me too while I was off work.  So I got a double blessing out of the deal.  During these last 11 weeks I probably got to spend time with my mom at least every other day, some weeks every day. It was great.  Whether we just stayed around the house, or went on one of our many outings, I feel much closer to my mom now. I guess that happens a lot when a child becomes a parent of their own.  It's been awesome to be able to rely on both grandmothers for advice and support going into this chapter of new motherhood/parenthood.

Speaking of grandparents. Brian and I made a holiday faus pax this week. Sunday was National Grand Parents Day.  We didn't know!!!!  Poor Rylie, she felt so bad when we told her.  So, to the new grand parents in our family, happy belated Grand Parents Day. We love you and cherish you so much!

Nana, Pops and Rylie

Grammie, Me and Rylie


I don't know what we did to be so fortunate to have the daycare arrangement we do, but it's wonderful.

On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays my mom (Grammie) comes over to our house and watches Rylie. But when I say "watches" her, what I really mean is that she spends the day teaching her all about things. Grammie has already started ABC flash cards with her and bought the My Baby Can Read program to start with her. So far so good with the flashcards. They seem to keep her attention for a short while, which is all you can expect from an 12 week old baby. We also have a routine of singing the Head Shoulders Knees and Toes song every time she is on her changing table for a diaper change. It makes her smile when I touch her little body parts while I'm singing to her. One of these days she'll start singing it with me!

On Wednesdays and Fridays, we take Rylie down the street to a lady who has done in-home daycare her entire adult life. She is a career nanny, so to speak. She has anywhere from the same 3 to 5 small kiddo's in her home on any given day. Rylie is the youngest, there is also a little boy she keeps a couple of days a week who is 4 months old, and a couple of other kids who are between 2 and 4 years old. It will be good for Rylie to be exposed to other kids and people those 2 days. It's also great that she'll be in the security of her own home and surroundings during the other days of the week. I think it strikes a good balance between keeping her safe and sound in the protection of her own home for the majority of the time, but then also getting her somewhat socialized and comfortable being around others. Also, since she is the youngest of the group of kids, I'm hoping that she'll learn and develop quicker by watching what the older kids are doing.

We are so blessed and so thankful. Life is great!

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