Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More Rylie Cuteness...Cant Get Enough...

Until very recently, Rylie's head has been too small for big headbands and flowers to look cute on her. So I haven't been heavy on the bow and flower thing.  But now that she is growing, she's growing into the look.  So cute! She's no longer a new born...she's a growing baby. So awesome.

She is getting much stronger with holding her head up too.  Monday evening she was really doing well, so it was perfect to snap some great pics.  I love capturing her facial expressions to look back at how they change so quickly.  (If I could capture every moment of her day I would.)  She is processing this enormous and awesome world around her at sometimes very high speeds. I'm moved by the way she takes on her days. She's a little trooper! But boy is she pooped after each of her 2 days at Ms. Deeta's house.  She sleeps like a rock those nights. 

She has outgrown a great deal of her newborn clothes and can sometimes wear a six month outfits. But for the most part she is in the 3-6 month stuff. It has amazed me how different baby clothing brands differ so much in their sizes.  I cant wait to dress her in some very cute 6-9 month clothes that both Nana and Grammie have bought for her.  And when she starts wearing shoes???.... I think I will faint with excitement!!  The idea of her finding her feet and using them, whether correctly or learning from her mistakes...... sigh .......I just cant wait to guide her through life.

Sunday night we watched the Cowboys game.  They sucked...but I wont stay in disappointment-land for more than that brief moment I just shared.  We dressed Rylie in her Dallas onsie and read her her football book. That's now our Sunday night routine before her bath, bottle and bed... we dress Rylie in a sports outfit, pick the team we are going to root for, then Brian reads the football book with Rylie, and we practice the "touchdown" signal.  Then she gets to watch a little bit of the game with us before we get going on her bedtime routine.

I think she started to get a little spooked by all the new things we were exposing her to. Her little face below looks so confused. But she finally started to feel more relaxed once daddy held her tight and started reading her book to her.


  1. She even pretends to look intrigued by that football book! Your enthusiasm is almost as cute as your child! :) Some days all I want to guide Noah to is his bed! Heehee!

  2. Love the bows!!! They are way too cute!! Grab all the pics you can b/c she's just going to get bigger!!
