One of the many things I love about Brian is that when we set our minds to do something, regardless if we've never done it before, we end up doing it. And boy did we "get it done!" this past weekend. Rylie's furniture was delivered last week so we decided that this past weekend we would get Rylie's room put together. We had several other things on our weekend agenda, and if you saw our list you would probably think that adding to it a project of getting an entire room's worth of baby furniture put together and a room cleaned up and organized probably wouldn't be able to happen. That is, unless, you do things "Nutt-Style". Again, it doesn't matter what project it is, when Brian and I decide we want to get something accomplished, we work together and encourage each other to the point where all of a sudden we look at each other and say WOW, we got it done! There are no slackers in this family, I can assure you!
Brian took the reigns on the baby furniture, which is probably best since he is a read-the-instructions-first type of guy. I, on the other hand, usually go by the rule of, "if all else fails, read the instructions". We seem to compliment each other well by differing in this area. The key is to know your limitations and appreciate each other's strengths and weaknesses, which we both do. Oh, and another key to great project accomplishments Nutt-Style is always remembering "it's not a competition".
While Brian started putting together Rylie's furniture, I finished up trimming and cleaning up her pink circle mural and putting a fresh coat of glossy white paint on the baseboards in her room. The baseboards were a bit challenging as my growing belly prevented me from leaning down in the right way to angle my brush correctly. Therefore I had to completely lay on the floor, on my side, arms above my head, to get the angle of the paint brush the right way for me to cut in the baseboard paint. I had to take many short breaks as my arms got tired very quickly. They are done and they look great!

Brian got on a roll with his furniture project. He was finished with the dresser before I knew it and half way finished with the changing table as I finished up with the painting. We finished the changing table together and took a break for dinner. We intended to start and finish the crib the next day after church, but who can sleep when there's a cute little baby crib to be put together? We couldn't leave the crib out in the garage while the two other pieces of the set were sitting pretty in her room already! So we decided to bring the crib in and put it together as well.
The Master Furniture Assembler at work...
We ordered a very beautiful piece of art for the wall above Rylies crib and the glider/rocker chair that will go in her room too. The piece of art is from Pottery Barn Kids and it's 4 feet by 3 feet. I think it will look perfect over her crib because it will compliment the pink, brown, and cream tones of her circle colors, but also add some soft blues to the room. It will hang on the all beige colored wall above the cream colored crib, so I think it will look fantastic!

I've been looking for a glider/rocking chair for a while, and although I found several that were exactly the style I was looking for, they definitely were NOT in the price range I was looking for. I wanted something modern style with a matching ottoman. I also wanted a chair that had a covered base. The popular glider/rockers right now seem to be the ones where the wooden glider base is exposed. I dont know why, but those, although comfortable, dont appeal to me. So I had this wonderful vision of what I wanted to be sitting in when I rock our little miracle baby to sleep and when I wake up in the middle of the night to comfort her crying, and when I'm just sitting in her room staring at her in her crib. Once I pictured what I wanted in my head, there was no such thing as settling. I decided I wanted dark brown, again to compliment the dark brown trim that I trimmed her pink circles in and to add some darker contrast to the rest of the room. Well, I searched and searched and searched every online furniture store, specialty store, and baby nursery store I could find. I found many chairs that I loved, but nothing we could afford. Let's put that a bit differently....not so much that we couldn't afford, more so that I wouldn't spend THAT much money on a chair that was going to get spit up and pooped on eventually. (I might be a picky mom-to-be, but I am realistic.)
In my desperation to find the right chair, I checked a particular stores website on a whim just for the heck of it, thinking that I could pass the time while I come up with another option. And wouldn't you know it, THIS store HAD THE CHAIR and ottoman I was envisioning. And at a price we were very, very pleased with. Dare I tell you where I found my dream glider and ottoman ......................... Wal-Mart! Of all places, Wal-Mart. Yes, retail God's you can strike me down as I speak, I found and ordered my nursery glider at Wal-Mart. I'm sure this is what I get for making the "anti-Christ of American retail" comment in a previous post, since now I have to brag that I found my dream glider there. Regardless, below is a picture of the set. It's absolutely exactly what I was wanting. I recieved an email this morning that it shipped today, so we'll see once it get's here if I'm still as excited about it. But one thing I have to say for now is, Wal-Mart, You Rock! Or rather, You Glide!